La Mariposa

La mariposa = butterfly "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new is here." 2 Corinthians5:17

Thursday, March 23, 2006


It looks like I picked a good field to go into, at least if I want to work in one of the Atlanta area school districts. I have an interview tomorrow with one and two others that also want to schedule interviews soon. I've got a couple of leads for summer employement as well. I'd like to wait to make a decision about the schools here until I've heard back from Texas, but I'm not sure when that will be. So its still a little stressful with everything uncertain, but this is a nice kind of stressful.

8 more days and Thomas is here!

Monday, March 20, 2006


So, I don't know if anyone can really help me, but I could use any help anyone could offer. Today at work one of my kids bit me hard enough to break the skin. WHich means I've spent all day dealing with doctors and insurance and my employer. And now I have antibotics to take. And I got absolutely nothing accomplished that I had wanted to.

Meaning I still need to write up some cover letters, finish filling out online applications, mail reference forms for people to fill out, make copies of documents to send to school districts, etc. As well as do my full time job I currently have.

At this point, what I could use help with is the cover letters. I'm brain dead and I can't put coherent thoughts together. I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me with this.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


I'm tired. Filling out applications makes my eyes cross. Thinking about the future makes my head hurt. Long distance is hard.

When my world is upside down, the one thing I can count is God as my foundation. So I will cling to that.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Well, come June I will be unemployed. So I am trying desperately to find a job for the summer months as well as the fall. And praying that somebody will take me on despite the fact that they'll have to do a bunch of extra paperwork/supervision since I won't be comepletely certified. I'm glad my sister was a speech therapist and understands how less likely it will be that someone will want to hire me with my clinical fellowship only partly completed. Cause my dad just thinks its no big deal.

Work stuff isn't going how I had expected or planned, but I figure God's in control and He knows what He's doing more than I do. And I'm hopeful that eventually this will all be resolved.

Knowing i have a week long break coming up in 22 days makes getting through each day a little easier. I'm definitely looking forward to a much needed rest from stress.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Quarter life crisis

“We're not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be” C.S. Lewis

I'm beginning to have a better idea of what my deisres are for after I'm out of this work contract, but I'm not sure if they're God's desires. So I'm having to surrender as best I can areas of my life I'd rather hold onto.

I've been perpetually stressed lately and I hate it. It leaves me irritable, weepy, and less effective in most areas of my life. I've been praying for relief from stress, but its only gotten worse. So I pray for the peace and joy that God has promised.

I am looking forward to spring break (4 weeks!) It is a little easier doing my job knowing a break is soon. Plus Thomas is coming :)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

My parents are awesome

I'm not really sure why my dad has paint on his nose.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Never Leave

Work is stressful. I feel overwhelmed and unqualified. I need a hug.

So I left work a little bit early, made a smoothie, and drove around with the windows down while listening to music. And reminded myself that God promises that He will never leave nor forsake me.

In the midst of my darkest hour
You see my tear-stained face
This broken form that no longer
feels power with no apparent place
But even when this world has turned her back on me
When it's cold where it once had burned
When my thoughts are frightening

You will never leave me

When I fail at living and loving, when I fail You Lord
I want things that I know very well I cannot afford
When I feel like I have no purpose, except to live and die
Or all they tell me is that I'm worthless why even try

You will never leave me

I cannot be sure of my love for You
But in the midst of my doubt... You are true

Kendall Payne's "Never Leave"